
In early 2012, the International Development Studies Students’ Association (IDSSA) was reestablished by a small group of dedicated individuals who aimed to create a close-knit IDS community. Since its reestablishment it has had much success in creating an interconnected community of passionate individuals who are working to effect positive change in our community and in the world.


Presently, the goal of the IDSSA at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC) is to create a positive space where students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members can engage in meaningful opportunities pertaining to the multifaceted field of development. The IDSSA acts a student-body liaison to the Centre for Critical Development Studies at UTSC, to ensure that our voices are heard. The IDSSA also engages in meaningful relationships through partnership and collaboration with other student organisations and groups on campus (e.g. WUSC, Oxfam, etc.).

International Development Studies (IDS) is diverse and interdisciplinary, and as such, the IDSSA welcomes students from all disciplines. This year, the IDSSA has become an official Departmental Student Association. This means that International Development Studies Students’ Association at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus democratically represents students registered under the overarching umbrella of the Centre for Critical Development Studies at University of Toronto Scarborough Campus. Our mission is to foster an enriched collective experience and purpose between International Development Studies students at the University of Toronto Scarborough and to serve as a comprehensive academic resource for International Development Studies students, as well as work with the Centre for Critical Development Studies to research, develop and promote work and volunteer opportunities for students.

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